'Diversity is important to all industries. The aim of our organisation is to develop, encourage and inspire more women to get involved in emerging Australian craft distilling movement in all sectors of the industry.'
- Kathleen Davies
Women of Australian Distilling is a collective to promote, encourage and support women and gender diverse people within the Australian Craft Distilling industry. Collaborating with the industry's peak associations and organisations. Our company aims to support career development for women in the field of distilling, ambassadorship, marketing, administration, management, cellar door operations and more…A hub for female led trade and consumer events, courses, networking, PR, mentoring and personal development.
In a 2021 study of the Australian spirits industry conducted for Spirits & Cocktails Australia, Deloitte Access Economics found that women make up 48% of the workforce across manufacturing, wholesaling, retailing and hospitality. This stems from a higher share of female workers in hospitality (52%) as women make up just 36% of employees in spirits retailing, and approximately 10% of roles in distilling.
Women working in male-dominated industries may face a variety of challenges, including;
Not having the confidence to apply for career advancement
Imposter syndrome
Pay equity ensuring women and men performing the same role are paid the same amount
Lack of mentoring and career development opportunities
Sexual harassment
Fewer female role models in senior leadership positions to aspire to
Feelings of isolation and exclusion
Kathleen's reason for founding this movement back in 2014 was based on her own personal experiences during the beginning of her liquor industry career in the 1990's. During this time there was next to no female representation in middle and senior management positions within the male dominated companies that Kathleen worked for. There was no one to shine a light on women and their achievements.
Fast forward to today Kathleen still sees the opportunity for women to excel and have the confidence to strive for leadership roles, fight for equal opportunity and genuinely build their careers within the Australian Distilling Industry.
Women are often reluctant to talk up their accomplishments because they are often dismissed when they do. Women of Australian Distilling aims to help shine a light on Women's accomplishments, guide and encourage women in the industry to follow their passions within their chosen career.
Everyone and anyone is welcome to be involved - subscribe to be notified about our upcoming events and programs.
Our Advisory Board donate their time and expertise on a voluntary basis. It is also a development opportunity for women to gain experience acting on a board. Experienced board members are present to mentor women who have a desire to develop their careers into senior leadership roles into the future. We are pleased to have Paul McLeay the CEO of the Australian Distillers Association to share his expertise.